
About Native American Flute
Native American Flute is the wooden recorder which Native American use as its name suggests. It is generally called Indian Flute or Love Flute as well. Usually it is made of cedar and has 5 to 7 holes. There is similar instrument so called Quena in South America but it is structurally similar to ‘Shakuhachi’ (Japanese bamboo flute) and Indian Flute is similar to classical recorder. Generally people just say ‘Native American’ as it’s race, but actually it is said that there are hundreds or thousands of tribes such as Navajo, Cherokee and Hopi in North America and they have different languages and cultures each other. Therefore, there is numerous variation of form of flute in this situation.The feature of Native American Flute is that it has an adjustment block so called ‘bird’ between mouth and holes. ‘The bird’ is only seen in Native American Flute and not seen in other kinds of flute. However, there is Native American Flute without ‘the bird’ as well. Therefore ‘the bird’ is not always the identity of Native American Flute.
狩りの途中、森の中で野宿したある晩に、彼は夢を見ました。それは、キツツキの夢でした。キツツキは言いました。「若者よ、我々はお前のことを知っている。お前が良い人間だということも、お前が恋に悩むことも。我々精霊が作る笛をお前にやろう。その音色は精霊の歌であり、愛の歌である」 若者が目を覚ますと、夢の中のキツツキが目の前にいるではありませんか。キツツキは若者が起きるのを確認すると、ゆっくりと飛び立ちました。まるで若者に「ついて来い」と、いざなうように。若者がついて行くと、やがて一本の大きな杉の木にたどり着きます。キツツキは枝に取り付いて、クチバシで孔を開け始めました。やがて枝はフルートへと形を変えました。
Legend of Love Flute
As Native American Flute was used when young men proposed to a young lady to love, it is called ‘Love Flute’ as well.The story below is the legend in Lakota tribe how the Love Flute was brought to them.There was a young man who was brave as a hunter but shy and he could not confess his desire to the daughter of Indian chief.
He went to hunting to a forest and had a dream when he slept there one night. A woodpecker was shown in the dream and said that ‘Young man I know of you, I know you are a good man and got a lovesick. We Spirits present you a flute we made. The sound of flute is a song of the Spirits and love’. When the man woke up, the woodpecker was in front of him. The woodpecker flew away after he woke up. It almost suggested him to follow the woodpecker. The man followed the woodpecker and they came to a cedar tree. The woodpecker took a branch and started to make holes with beak. The shape of the branch changed to a flute before long.
Then he obtained the flute and played it outside of the young lady’s Teepee. Teepee was attracted the beautiful sound and came out of her house. Then she took the blanket from her shoulder and wrapped him with it as her sign of accepting his love proposal.
The Flute was given to the Native American as such story. Accordingly, Lakota people still make the flute similar to woodpecker shape as they appreciate woodpecker and not forget about it. They call it "Love Flute".
Above is the story I have heard for the first time. However, after series of investigations I have noticed that the story is varied. For example, the man was lead to the Flute by deer people not by woodpecker, or the arrow shot by himself. (Anyway, it was happened by mysterious power.) It is common in any story that the Flute was found out by a young man, the Flute was made of cedar, the holes were made by woodpecker, the Flute was presented by the Spirits, and lastly it is always ended happily.